Caroline Kim Coaching

Welcome to

Are you feeling stuck or restless? Are you burnt out and ready for a change? Are you successful but still feeling unfulfilled?

What if I said you could design your life to...

Feel your BEST

Perform at your PEAK

…and it all happens EFFORTLESSLY

I work with dynamic, motivated, growth-minded people who are looking for that SWEET SPOT where work and life blend seamlessly. I will help you design a fully engaged life where everything just FLOWS.

Welcome to the state of FLOW.

What is FLOW?

They call it "being in the zone" or "in the groove." It's when you're so absorbed in what you're doing that time ceases to exist, you forget about yourself, and everything just FLOWS effortlessly.

Forget “Work-life balance,” let’s FLOW instead

Work-life balance is bullshit. Life is complex, and achieving perfect balance is unrealistic. Priorities shift based on circumstances and there is an ebb and flow to life. When we stop fighting for perfection, we make way for work-life FLOW.

FLOW is essential. Work-life FLOW applies to our whole lives, not just one thing. It means that everything should go smoothly and harmoniously. Each part should be flexible, inspiring, and have a positive energy that feeds off each other and pushes everything forward, both alone and together.

Sounds too good to be true?

Or like it will be too hard? We’ve all experienced FLOW in our lives. We can use those experiences as clues to start unlocking FLOW in other parts of your life. It’s easier and simpler than you think because the answers are already in YOU.

Hi, I’m Caroline.

In case you’re wondering, I have not always lived in a state of FLOW. I was feeling stuck and the only thing I was sure of, was that something wasn’t right. Only when I asked myself, WHAT DO I REALLY WANT (not what my family, friends, society, culture told me I should) with my life and when I focused on unlocking FLOW is when I started LIVING and THRIVING. And that’s what I want for you too.

I want to help you find the version of your career and life that lets you be your best and authentic self.

  • "Flow is being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz."

    Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

    Psychologist credited with creating the concept of flow

  • “The flow state is what takes life to the next level—for enjoyment and performance. ”

    Rebecca Soni

    8 Olympic Medals & World Record Holder

  • "Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force."

    Lao Tzu

  • "The way to learn the most is when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don't notice that time passes."

    Albert Einstein

Companies where my clients have worked: